Tag Archives: chuck and beans

A few comic strips – Begin the year with a laugh

1 Jan

Well everyone has had their New Year’s party by now, some of you committed those dreaded drunken mistakes (you know who you are), rest of you stayed sober/ sober enough to witness and laugh at the earlier guy. I am not going to tell you which of those was I (the second one). Year 2011 has been great for me personally when I never thought it would. Plus Tushar came up with the idea of starting this blog, without which I would be wasting away most of time. A couple of newspaper mentions, an article on the Score website, a Tech2 soundbyte and you can see why we are happy with the blog. But most importantly we are happy that a lot of people do take time to read if not the entire articles, but atleast some part of them. Thanks for signing up! We are looking forward to 2012 with some plans on revamping the blog and we are pretty excited about that.

So anyway coming back to the topic. We really tried hard to be funny in our articles. We kept it all subtle. But guess we were the only ones who found it funny. We do like to be funny sometimes  along with helping solve world problems you know. So I thought let’s not “try” to be funny but let the comics take centrestage. Because we all really could do with a few more laughs in our life.

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