Tag Archives: experimental cooking

Workings of my _____ brain!

12 Nov

Experiments don’t always become great inventions but experimenting is so much fun! More so when it involves dark chocolate!

I love cooking.I never really follow recipes,i cook little recipes my head forms.They’re not totally original,just workings of my unconscious mind!
I usually just look in the fridge,pick out whatever i find interesting and work with it.Today there were just carrots and cauliflower.I hate how carrot tastes when cooked and cauliflower didn’t appeal.There was lots of macaroni in the shelf so I thought I’ll do pasta.I always do it with penne with cheese sauce or mushroom sauce.I didn’t want to do a savory today.
So I did a silly version of chocolate pasta with macaroni!I don’t know if I can even call it that.

I thought of cooking the pasta in apple sauce so I put a handful of macaroni on boil and started grating an apple.The idea was to grate the apple and squeeze out the juice for the sauce.I boiled maybe two glasses of milk added one and a half spoons of cornflour and then squeezed out juice of two apples into it.To the sauce i added some dark chocolate i had at home and then added the boiled macaroni.Something was missing so i grated a couple of almonds..it didn’t really do anything but to know it has almonds made me feel better!

I think i looked like this after the tasting!(notice the !)

The final taste? ah boring! It wasn’t as exciting as i thought it’d be 😐 but I sure had fun licking the chocolate off my fingers,assuring my cook I was still sane.I served it hot to my aunts and ..

They looked like this after they had a spoonful!

I wanted to see how it’d taste cold ,so I chilled it.Tasted it,no way was I going eat another spoon of it! It wasn’t that bad when hot.

I chilled it in a mould so it took its shape.I grated a few almond on the top and..

not appetizing at all! but I had fun making it!